Internal Bleaching


Internal Bleaching

Internal bleaching is a technique in dentistry that aims to whiten teeth just like in-office teeth bleaching. However, not everyone is a candidate for internal whitening as it’s only performed for patients whose teeth have been discolored due to root canal therapy. Normally, professional teeth bleaching treats teeth stains from the outside but discoloration from root canal occurs inside the tooth.

Suffice to say, it’s a different procedure from laser whitening or over-the-counter whitening products. Additionally, only the Oshawa dentist could perform internal teeth bleaching since the treatment is more precise and the materials are exclusive.

Internal bleaching procedure

Prior to the internal bleaching process, the dentist will initially discuss with the patient what factors have caused his teeth discoloration. This will make him understand why the dentist needs to perform this treatment and not the other. He will also set the patient’s expectations with what’s going to happen with the procedure and how often it needs to be done.

After that, the Oshawa dentist will record the patient’s teeth shade for future comparison. He might also perform radiographs on the teeth to reassess the condition of the root canal treatment. If he notices an issue on the treated tooth, he might require retreatment before proceeding with the internal bleaching.

If everything is set, the dentist would isolate the tooth using a rubber dam. He removes the materials on the treated tooth such as filling and crowns. He will then seal a mixture in the tooth chamber and repeats it in intervals until the desired brightness is achieved. The mixture might consist of hydrogen peroxide and would need the help of special curing light to activate the bleaching agent.

Our Oshawa dentist will help you find an appropriate treatment for your imperfect teeth. Let go of your worries and let us help you with your dental needs.


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