Sedation dentistry nitrous oxide

Can you not bear the thought of being in a dentist’s chair? If so, that’s alright. That’s a typical response of the mind as it thinks about the body’s discomfort with dental procedures. However, this thinking will only hinder you from getting the treatment that you need. Maybe, you should consider sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry

This practice in dentistry uses medications that dentists may use to help patients relax during dental treatment. Although it is also common as “sleep dentistry,” this term isn’t entirely accurate. Sedation dentistry has only one medication type that puts a patient in a complete sleep, general anesthesia. Other than that, the patient is awake and partly aware when under the different types of sedation.

Here are other commonly asked questions regarding sedation that the article has answered for you.

Top seven questions about sedation dentistry

1. Is it safe?

In general, sedation is safe for humans. If given in appropriate doses by a certified professional, rest assured that you’re free from any complications. However, the key here is to make sure that you’ve already discussed it with your dentist before receiving any type of sedation. Anesthesia and sedation could harm if taken by a patient with medical conditions such as obesity and sleep apnea. Ensure that you tell your dentist what illnesses you have or what maintenance medications you are taking even before considering sedation.

2. Is it suitable for kids?

Yes. Most pediatric dentists offer sedation to help them put their young patients at ease and prepare before the procedure. Parents also play a role in making sure their kids know what to expect while being under sedation. While assisting their kids at the dentist’s, guardians should be calm and supportive of keeping their children relaxed. Hours before the treatment, food and drink should be restricted from the child to prevent complications.

3. What are the differences between the types of sedation?

There are three types of sedation, oral sedation, laughing gas, and intravenous sedation.

Oral sedation is given orally, and as soon as the patient arrives at the clinic. This is because the medication may take as long as 20 minutes before taking effect. When it does eventually, the patient will feel relaxed and calm but will not fall asleep.

Laughing gas is a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide, which, through inhalation, helps the patient stay calm in just five minutes. The child may also get euphoric feelings, which allows him to relax throughout the procedure. When the treatment ends, the dentist gives the patient pure oxygen to clear out the body’s remaining medication.

Intravenous or IV sedation is given through injection. As patients may still be anxious with needles, dentists will need the help of nitrous oxide to calm them down before administering.

If a patient needs to be in a deep sleep due to the procedure’s complexity, the dentist will give general anesthesia.

4. How long does the medication remain in the body?

The dentist gives appropriate doses of sedation on the patient, depending on their anxiety and age. So, as soon as the treatment is over, the medication also wears off. For laughing gas, the dentist gives the patient pure oxygen after the procedure to make sure the body is clear of the remaining nitrous oxide. Although that’s the case, the after-effects of sedation may last for a few more hours. The patient may still feel nauseous and fussy until they get home. That’s why at least two accompanying persons are necessary to have one drive them home and the other one to keep monitoring the patient.

5. What to expect when under sedation?

While under sedation, especially oral sedation and nitrous oxide, expect to be awake during the procedure. However, as the treatment goes on, you will only have a vague awareness of what’s happening. You will also feel limp and may have less control over your body, but you could still follow the dentist’s request. For example, opening your mouth and stretching your tongue out. The dental team will also make sure that you remain calm and comfortable during the procedure.

6. Does it work?

Sedation dentistry is effective. Many consider it a breakthrough in dentistry since its discovery. Because since then, patients already have an option to do something about their dental anxieties. Fear of dentists can be a massive wall for patients who need to get dental treatment urgently. With sedation, patients remain comfortable in the dentist’s chair while on a dental procedure. Because of this, no more patient needs to endure pain and discomfort from dental pain.

When considering for sedation dentistry, make sure you discuss the details with your Oshawa dentist. There is no more incredible feeling than being relieved from toothache and other dental problems.


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